Drogichin district executive committee

Drogichin district executive committee
Main // Leadership // Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Nered Vladimir Ivanovich

telephone: (+375 1644) 7-13-16

Chairman of the board:

  • represents the Council in relations with other government bodies, bodies of territorial public self-government, enterprises, organizations, institutions, associations and citizens;
  • presents for election at a session of the Council from among the deputies a candidate for the position of deputy chairman of the relevant Council;
  • heads the Presidium of the Council;
  • reports to the Council on the state of affairs in the territory subordinate to the Council and on other issues within its competence, presents Council sessions to the population as necessary, but at least once a year, reports on its activities, the activities of the Presidium of the Council, informs citizens about the state of affairs on territory under the jurisdiction of the Council;
  • sends draft decisions of the Council for conclusion to the relevant standing commissions, gives instructions to the chairmen of the standing commissions;
  • convenes sessions of the Council, organizes work on the preparation of sessions of the Council, meetings of its presidium, conducts these meetings, ensures control over the implementation of decisions made;
  • submits for consideration to the session of the Council proposals to cancel the orders of the chairman of the executive committee, decisions of the executive committee in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
  • signs decisions and minutes of meetings of the Council and its presidium, issues orders within its competence;
  • ensures consideration of citizens' appeals addressed to the Council;
  • accepts for consideration requests addressed to him and responds to them in the manner and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
  • manages the apparatus of the Council;
  • resolves other issues in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, including decisions of the Council.

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